Diabetes, Diabetes Coaching, Health, LADA, Lifestyle change, Wellness, Wellness Coaching

Dear Diabetes, Happy 1st anniversary…


Dear Diabetes,


Today marks our first anniversary. The day we met.

You entered my life by blurring my eyes…kind of like how love makes people blind!

I did not know you then.

I did not know anything about what you can do and how one can live with you. Above all, I did not know my own powers.
You brought to light all my inner strength; inner light and the beauty I never knew existed in me. You changed every belief I had about myself and you helped give birth to a “new me” that today I am grateful for.

Happy anniversary dear Diabetes and remember, I might have you in my life, but YOU DO NOT HAVE ME.

When you showed up, I had no idea there is type 1 and 2 and I definitely had NO idea that there is another type being referred to as LADA.  No, LADA is not a new flavour of café Latte offered in coffee shop near you. LADA stands for Latent Autoimmune Diabetes in Adults. So as the name explains, it is the type that comes to in late adulthood somewhere around the age of 30 and above. It is also referred to Diabetes type 1.5, as it has the characteristics of both type 1 and type 2. LADA is what I am living with since last year.

Believe it or not, today is a big mile stone for me because all these great stuff did not come easy. The past year has been a fairly lonely journey of painful moments, which led me, see the light.

Managing Diabetes day in and day out is TOUGH. Trying to find a place of balance between diabetes and living life, takes effort and hardship.

It was like I was handed a new job I didn’t volunteer to do. This job is round the clock and has no vacations and you can’t even quit.

It brings limitations to the way of living life and it can feel alone although we know there are other people out there living with it.

I started this blog because today after one year of living with LADA, I have finally managed to accept it and I have found ways to engage with it without being overwhelmed by it.

This is my first post. In the next posts I will tell my story of how it all started and about my journey. My intention is to share all I have learned about the life style change and how I did it. I believe this information can be helpful to others whether they are living with Diabetes or not.


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